Tuesday, May 28, 2013

HW 21: Robo-Disney

Well as you may or may-not be aware, Disney itself is fairly well known for it's development in robotics, and specifically in the area of movement and animatronics.  For homework tonight, there are two things I want you to check out:

The first, is a project Disney completed a few years ago.  They made President Barak Obama.  (Well, sort of).  Check this video out, how real or not does Obama seem to you?

Then, I want you to check out what Disney is working on currently.  Handing an object to a robot, and vice versa, is turning out to be more difficult than you might have thought.  Well that's what they are trying to perfect down there at Disney.  I want you to check out this short video showing what they are working towards now.

For your response, I want you to focus on your reaction to the robots.  Write at least 150 words about how real (or not) these robot movements seem to you.  If they had a 'skin' would they fool you?  Why or why not.

 - Not that you need to understand a lot of it, but I also want you to explore a little bit on Disney's robotics page.  http://www.disneyresearch.com/research-areas/robotics/.  They have a lot of projects going on right now.

Watch/take a look at any one of the other videos/projects on that page.  Add two sentences about what you saw to you response.

Good luck

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