Tuesday, April 30, 2013

HW 7: Electro and Sparko (here boy!)

We talked about him recently, this amazing (and quite unhealthy!) robot, one of the earliest humanoid robots, that debuted at the Worlds Fair in 1939.

So for reading about the two robots, check out this webpage where the describe him (or should I be saying 'it'?)

Then check out This youtube clip is actually from a movie also from 1939.  Very cool to see him move around, and also see how others reacted to such an amazing piece of technology (at the time).

Use the standard response, but mention what the two 'photocells' in Electro did.  You might need to carefully study the diagram to find the answer... be sure to talk about BOTH robots in your responses!

Monday, April 29, 2013

HW 6: The "Choset" Snake Robot

Eye see you!
A man named Prof. Howie Choset has been working with a team at The Carnegie Mellon Institute on a particular robot that at least to me, looks quite cool/interesting.  He has developed his self named "Choset" robot, that takes on inspiration from a a particular animal in nature.

  First, read this article from Bloomberg (a popular news source) so you can get some background on the robot.  Second, check out this video where you can see this robot in action.

Use the standard Robot Summary questions to guide your response.  Remember, this session we are all working toward being able to answer the questions in a complete and well written paragraph.  (Maybe tonight everyone can give this a shot before I do something crazy like make it mandatory =).

Friday, April 26, 2013

HW 5: "I, Robot: Runaround" -- The ORIGINAL Three Laws!

In class today, we read the start of the ever-so-famous original "I, Robot" series.  It started with a very interesting "Introduction" and the first story "Robbie".  However the next story "Runaround" is maybe the most famous, because THAT is where he explicitly writes down his Three Laws of Robotics.

This weekend, (yes weekend homework in this class sometimes), your assignment is to read "Runaround", and write a little something about it.  I am giving you a hard copy of Runaround to read.  Please keep it nice, we will return it to our folder on Monday.

Here is what you need to do for this assignment:
  - Character List - write a list of characters who show up in this story, and just a few words about who each one is
  - Plot Summary - in 100 words or so, summarize what happens in the story.
  - Reflection on the Three Laws - Identify (means say what it is) each of the Three Laws of Robotics.  Then write 100 words on what YOU think they mean, if they are important, and how they affect the robot(s) in the story.

Enjoy this story, I think it's quite AWESOME!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

HW 4: Noodle Robot

Mmmmmm...who's hungry?

This is a current news story, I found it quite interesting.  Apparently, someone invented a robot that can make noodles.  Just in case you're not aware, making the thin noodles we eat is considered one of those very 'skilled' techniques that chefs/cooks practice for years before being able to do it.

Watch this video (above) of a man making them, by the last 20 seconds I think you can see how tough it is to do.

Now I want you to read about this new robot.  There is a video at the end you should also check out.  Use the standard response, but also, I want you to think/write about how you think this might affect the 'workforce' of the world if they became really popular.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

HW 3: The Wabot

Tonight, I want you to read about a pretty important robot in the history of robotics.  The Wabot (followed later by the Wabot-2) was the first humanoid robot.  For reading, I found two links:

The first is the page from Waseda Univerity, the college in Japan that invented Wabot.

The second link I want you to read is actually from a synthesizer (music keyboard) website.  Read what they mention about it, but there is also a video on this page you should check out.

You can write about both models of the robot for homework tonight.  Use the standard sheet (posted on the right) to guide your writing.  To remind  you, I prefer you write in paragraph format, a much more mature form of writing.

One more (extra thing), do some searching, but in your response somewhere also define the term 'humanoid robot'.  I would like to talk with you guys in class what it means tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

HW2: Robot Profile on the "Wave Glider"

Three links to check out for  HW tonight:
First, the link from about 1.5 years ago where they briefly discuss the project as it starts:

Then, this is the short article about the record being broken.  Be sure to watch the short video explaining the accomplishment.

EXTRA CONTENT: For a really cool talk with the creator, at the end of that video look in t
he 'related videos'  the one with this title is totally worth checking out:
Bill Vass on the endless possibilities of Wave Gliders

On the right side of the screen, you will see a little list toward the top of the page, the first link there is the "Standard Robot Profile HW Sheet."  Most of the time you can use this to guide you about what to write about.  From time to time I might also add an 'extra' question, which I will include in the main post.

Monday, April 22, 2013

HW 1: Three Fictional Robots

Your assignment is to write about your own and two others' favorite robots from fiction.  It could be a robot from a story you/they once read, a movie, a TV show, a comic book...anywhere in fiction!

For each robot, write 100 words about what (or who?!) the robot is, who made it (in their fictional world) what it was supposed to do, good/bad robot...you get the idea.  Make sure you talk about why they remember that robot.  You can pick your own favorite for one of them, one of the other two must come from a parent or someone in an older generation like an older cousin or neighbor.  The third can be a friend or anyone else you choose.

Again, for each robot, you need to write 100 words (each!).  Be descriptive, give me the cool stuff, I want to know why these are the favorites!

You'll soon find that robots seem to have 'personality' quite a bit in fiction...one of the questions we will answer in this course, is do they in real life too?

(Oh and that's Data, from Star Trek...he's my pick=)

Welcome to Robotics!

Welcome to Robotics class!  I know we have a lot ahead of us, a lot of cool activities to do, stories to share, and discussions to have in the session ahead of us!

This will be the place to come to check for homework each night.  One thing you should know: is that homework will be posted for that night by 3:30 pm each day, useful for those of you using study hall to get things done.

About homework...one thing that I am making a point of emphasis, is that you need to hold your homework in the highest of regard in terms of quality.  I will be grading you on your writing about the various robots you are asked to look at for homework, and not just to 'find answers' to some easy questions.

When in doubt, the answers to your homework should be very readable, free of punctuation and spelling errors, and be a 'cohesive body of information'.  You can always answer the homework in a well written paragraph as an option instead of separate answers.

I would be happy if everyone wanted to subscribe to this blog, and if there are any cool ideas you guys would like to see me implement here...I will be building the blog up as we go through the course, just let me know.

Welcome, and get ready to enjoy a taste of the exciting world of Robotics!