In class today, we read the start of the ever-so-famous original "I, Robot" series. It started with a very interesting "Introduction" and the first story "Robbie". However the next story "
Runaround" is maybe the most famous, because THAT is where he explicitly writes down his
Three Laws of Robotics.
This weekend, (yes weekend homework in this class
sometimes), your assignment is to read "Runaround", and write a little something about it. I am giving you a hard copy of Runaround to read. Please keep it nice, we will return it to our folder on Monday.
Here is what you need to do for this assignment:
Character List - write a list of characters who show up in this story, and just a few words about who each one is
Plot Summary - in 100 words or so, summarize what happens in the story.
Reflection on the Three Laws - Identify (means say what it is) each of the Three Laws of Robotics. Then write 100 words on what YOU think they mean, if they are important, and how they affect the robot(s) in the story.
Enjoy this story, I think it's quite AWESOME!